We invite you to The Color Run on 03rd Nov. 2024! To make the day as much fun as possible, please review this information site prior to participation for the event day. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate dropping us a line at [email protected]
Soon you, your friends and family will be a part of most colorful and joyful half marathon in India!
Please download the event ticket in advance. Participation kits can be collected from the BIB Pickup Store on 2nd Nov. 2024. Please present your tickets at the store, either a print-out or on your mobile phone.
The t-shirt grants access to the event and it is necessary to wear the t-shirt when entering The Color Run.
Við verðum með fullt af litríkum og skemmtilegum vörum til sölu í litlu gleðibúðinni okkar þar sem hlaupagögn verða sótt og á viðburðarsvæðinu í Laugardalnum á hlaupadag. Búðin verður staðsett þar sem upphitun fer fram og litabombupartýið í lokin og ættu allir að finna eitthvað til að gera daginn enn skemmtilegri.
Meðal þess sem verður í boði eru sokkar, tutu pils, gleraugu, derhúfur, bakpokar, ennisbönd, buff og margt margt fleira, og að sjálfsögðu litapokar í með litapúðri í öllum regnbogans litum.
The main event area is located at Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium, New Delhi-110001.
Parking options:
Public Transpotation:
EMU 64031
EMU 64055
EMU 64091
EMU 64089
EMU 64090
Cycling, Walking, Bouncing..
Participants are engouraged to bike to Color Run- Bharat, besides there can hardly be found a better way to warm up for the event.
Please note that there is no dressing rooms or lockers at the event and we suggest participants to have little backbags or wear the outfit to be used during the event and leave other valuables at home.
Ræst er út frá aðalsvæðinu hlaupið er umhverfis Grasagarðinn í átt að Holtavegi til móts við hús KFUM og KFUK þaðan er beygt til hægri umhverfis Húsdýragarðinn og er fyrsta litahlið hlaupsins til móts við TBR heimilið.
Við Engjaveg er beygt til hægri og hlaupið aftur inn í átt að Grasagarðinum meðfram Húsdýragarðinum og er annað litahliðið staðsett rétt við aðalsvæðið þ.e við Þvottalaugarnar.
Þaðan er farið eftir stuttum stíg upp á Engjaveg sem hlaupinn er til austurs, framhjá Skautahöllinni í átt að Glæsibæ þar sem þriðja hliðið er staðsett.
Þaðan er hlaupið á göngustíg meðfram Suðurlandsbrautinni til móts við Reykjaveg og beygt til hægri samhliða Reykjavegi í átt að Laugardalsvelli þar sem fjórða litahlið hlaupsins er staðsett.
Því næst er hlaupið meðfram Þróttaraheimilinu og beygt til vinstri í átt að Þvottalaugunum í Laugardal í litla slaufu áður en komið er að POST RUNi hlaupsins.
The Color Run is an outdoor event and participants should dress to the occasion. The event will not be cancelled even though the weather is not at its best. That is just Bharat. In the end, rain is only wet sunshine!
Participants will line up in the starting grid prior to the run. At the front, runners will be divided into 100-150 race heats that will be started every 60-90 seconds. That is how we make sure that there will not be too many people running through the color zones at the same time so everyone can get as much color as intended. As the heats are divided in the starting grid, friends and families should be together (only for 5k & 2.5k) if they intend to run together. .
Remember that Half Marathon & 10k are timed events and 5k and 2.5k are not timed events so there is no need to have the competitiveness take over the fun. Take your time to enjoy the experience with your friends. The fastest one is really the loser in non-timed events because you should take your time to enjoy.
Remember to wear the color run t-shirt when you enter the starting grid. Without the t-shirt you will not be granted access.
On the route there are six color zones: Red, green, orange, blue, yellow and pink. When you run through it, you will be colored by our staff. The colors are a special blend of magical colors and corn starch which is 100% natural, safe and approved by food administrations all over the world.
To make sure the color powder doesn´t go into the eyes, our staff will aim below neck when participants run through. Some runners prefer to wear sunglasses and buffs to cover their mouth and eyes. We also recommend that, especially for the younger participants. We ask runners not to stop in the color zones because that will only create a danger for the others.
The Color Run is for everyone.
Some will run the whole route, others will walk and still others will dance. Our experience is that most runners do a little bit of everything.
The Color Run is not finished when you cross the finish line. In reality, the fun is just about to begin! Tap your shoulders for a good job done and enter the party in front of the stage.
DJ & Zumba Instructors will keep you entertained by the stage and there will be enough colors for everyone.
Every 10-12 minutes we will countdown for the next color bomb by the stage to create those famous color clouds you have seen on pictures.
This is where you should use your color pouch from the participation kits. If you can’t manage to control yourself, you can either make an attempt to catch one of the color pouch thrown from the stage or simply get as many color pouches at the counter.
Food and drinks will be available at the event area.
A dedicated Prize/ Cash Rewards Distribution Ceremony will be held post completion and verification of the results and identity.
We recommend a use of glasses when running though the color zones. Also, a buff to cover your mouth and nose is a great idea. Although the color powder is not dangerous in any way it is no fun getting to much of it in your eyes or mouth.
Please follow guidance provided by event staff.
More than anything, please show courtesy and respect to other participants around you.
With thousands of participants in the event there is always a possibility that the little runners “manage” to run away from their parents. If you are running with kids (you are the coolest parent in the world!), your kids are going to have some serious fun. If you lose track of them, please decide with them before you start running where to meet up if you get seperated. We recommend that you will have a meeting point in our blue tents next to the stage.
As a color runner, you along with thousands of other runners will be colored as you enter our color zones roughly every kilometer you complete. At every color zone you will be met with music, fun and a new color.
For Non-Timed Categories: It is not about finishing the fastest. Rather to have fun and enjoy your participation. There will be no winners because nobody is counting. You should take your time going through the route and the color zones to maximize your experience.